The patented Dust Collection Hood is a major improvement to the performance and user experience of the PantoRouter Woodworking Machine. Without it dust and shavings are thrown up to 10 feet in several directions of the cutting bit and the operator is often covered with shavings. No Longer!
Our non-scientific assessment is the Dust Collector Hood controls over 95% of dust and shavings, and the only shavings that do occasionally escape fall just below the bit and are super easy to pick up.
Our first generation hood was great but accessing the rotor lock was never super-easy. The Version-2 hood is hinged so the top swings out of the way for bit changes using one wrench and the rotor lock or two wrenches.
The hood is injection molded of clear polycarbonate for durability and visible monitoring of shavings. The seams are connected using stainless screws and brass inserts. The hood required specialized molds and forms, which is not common for a relatively low volume item such as ours, but we spared no expense to deliver the highest quality to our customers.
Installation requires centering the collet opening around the collet and securing two bolts to the pantograph frame, click the button below to view specific instructions for your router. Connect a vacuum hose to the Dust Collection Hood discharge, and you're ready to PantoRout without any more dust, chips and shavings!
We recommend using a hose that fits over the discharge port, not inside it. We supply an excellent hose with some of our packages and it sometimes helps to soften the hose end cuff by holding it under hot tap water. Once warmed-up it should slip onto the dust collection hood and as it cools it will grip tenaciously.
We prefer to use a dust extractor or Shop-Vac with a cyclone chip separator rather than hooking up to large dust collection ducting. We have found the higher air velocity collects more chips and fine dust particles keeping your shop cleaner and your lungs healthier.
The V2 Dust Hood, Brush, Hose and Fittings are all made in USA.
Bad Hair Day?
The bristles on the dust collector brush are very high quality and should keep their shape for years, but if they get crunched against the table and left for several hours, they'll resemble a bad hair day. Not to worry though! Simply heat them by running warm water over the brush or gently heat the bristles with a hair dryer and they'll straighten back to near new.
Smooshed bristles not happy about being crunched into the table.
A nice warm bath rejuvenates the brush.
All better, but please don't leave the brush squished against the table or anything else for long periods of time. Better to remove it since it snaps right off, it's very fast and easy.