Projects Built Using the PantoRouter
This was a perfect project to demonstrate the speed, accuracy and repeatability of the PantoRouter joinery machine. Each table has 30 integral mortise and tenons and the tables fit together perfectly due to the precision of the PantoRouter.
Nick Sawyer built this contemporary rocker using the PantoRouter™ for the more complex joinery.
Making Krenov-Style Sawhorses using the PantoRouter™ We show a variety of ways the PantoRouter™ can be used to easily and quickly make very strong joinery.
Rapid-Fire Mortise and Tenon. We made 20 cabinets for our shop using this method for the face frames. Yes, it's probably overkill but since it goes so fast with the PantoRouter, why not?
This video was made before we had the dust collection system available. You can see why this was such a high priority! Shavings everywhere!
We used an 8° dovetail bit and our dowel template to make these holders quickly and easily. Drawer pulls or a round handle for a box can be made using a similar process.
Cut a mortise and two perfect tenons for a chair rail or face frame in 4-¼ minutes. There's no other jig on the market that can do this and also make perfect box joints and dovetails equally easily and quickly.
Cool stool using the PantoRouter to mill handholds.
The Alabama Woodworker used the Monster Set of Mortise and Tenon bits and guide bearings with his PantoRouter to create a very strong trestle table.
In this video we make an auxiliary table for the PantoRouter. It uses a grid of grooves sized to fit the Microjig clamps and stops, and can be tilted for numerous operations.
We built this mallet out of scrap wood to demonstrate how fast, easy and accurate it is to make mortise and tenons.